Lost a Tooth – Now What?

What to Do When Your Child Loses a Tooth: Preparing for a Visit from the Tooth Fairy

Losing a tooth is a big deal! It’s an opportunity to create some magical memories with a visit from the Tooth Fairy. If you’re wondering what to do when your child loses a tooth, here’s a simple guide to help you navigate the process and get ready for the Tooth Fairy visit.

  1. Celebrate!

I love to celebrate!  The best first thing to do is celebrate! Here’s a couple of ways I can think of to help celebrate.

  • Celebrate How Brave They Are: Make sure to let them know how brave they were through the process, especially if it’s a tough one to get out.
  • Pictures: I love the fact my mom took a bunch of pictures. Back in the day it seemed a bit “over the top”, but now that I’m older I’m really glad she did take photos (& even some videos – maybe I’ll share some sometime later).
  • Stories: This is a fun time to tell some fun family tooth losing stories – I’m sure you’ve got them!  For me, my favorite is when me, my brother & my cousin all lost a tooth at our house on Easter Day (isn’t that cool!?!). 2. Clean the Tooth
  1. Store the Tooth Safely

Keeping the tooth safe and easy to find is crucial for the Tooth Fairy’s visit:

  • Tooth Fairy Pillow: These pillows have a small pocket to hold the tooth securely.  My pillow has the super sweet sparkly silver envelope which is perfect to keep the tooth safe.
  1. Prepare for the Tooth Fairy’s Visit

Making the Tooth Fairy’s visit special can be as simple or elaborate as you like:

  • Decide on a Reward: The average Tooth Fairy payout these days is about $4.00 to $5.00 per tooth, but feel free to adjust based on your family budget. Coins, dollar bills, or even small toys can be used!
  • Write a Note: A short note from the Tooth Fairy can be fun.
  • Sprinkle Some Magic: A bit of glitter or fairy dust can make the experience feel extra magical. This does get a bit messy though… you can be cleaning glitter out of nooks and crankies for years to come.
  1. IMPORTANT! Deal with the Tooth Fairy Logistics

Handling the logistics of the Tooth Fairy visit can sometimes be a bit tricky:

  • Set a Reminder: Set an alarm or reminder on your phone to help you remember to make the Tooth Fairy exchange after your child falls asleep.  I’m not sure, but I think my mom might have forgot a time or two and hand to defer to the “back up” plan. 😉
  • Have a Backup Plan: If you forget, have a backup story ready. Sometimes the tooth fairy gets very busy!
  1. At the end of the day – just make it FUN!


Losing a tooth is a rite of passage for us kids and a chance for you as parents to add a bit of magic to your child’s life. With some of these tips & creativity, you can make the Tooth Fairy’s an amazing memory.

Signing Out for Now… Isaac

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